BBC: 美國大豆農民對中美貿易戰的觀點

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發佈於: 5年前   1'25"    130wpm

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新聞與談話 商業與金融

This isn't the first trade war, trade fight. You know, so the tariff, the embargo, this is nothing new for me. Is it good? No.

I'm Bob Worth, and I farm in Lincoln County, Minnesota, with my son. We farm 2,200 acres of tillable ground, half corn and half soybeans. Six out of ten row have to be exported. So when you talk about tariffs or any hiccup in trade we're affected.

In our part of the world, we're going to feel a lot of pain with agriculture.

Something has to be done because we have been unfairly treated for years and years and years.

If other nations are doing it, I don't know how we avoid doing it.

This president is a businessman, he's not a politican, and farmers are business people. And that's why they like him. I have faith in him that he will get through this. We all know that the balance of trade was very poor, but

it's always agriculture products that get first on the bumping list because we export so much of our product.


英語: 新聞與談話


英語: 新聞與談話


英語: 社會與文化, 商業與金融, 科學與技術, 教育與教學 , 演講與講座

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